Polly po-cket
Homemade Lemon-Aid, Cleanse Your Body

The Lemon Aid diet or Cleanse is simply using homemade lemon aid to clean your system. You drink this lemon aid for a period of 10 days (Ideally) with no other food intake allowing your body to be cleansed of the toxins it has stored up.
Girl drinking 1
The Formula
To make the lemon aid you need fresh lemons, grade "B" maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. You mix two tablespoons of the maple syrup with two tablespoons lemon juice and add water to make 8 ounces. Then add the cayenne pepper to taste. (I like a relatively large amount of pepper but you may not). It is best to use fresh lemons but a bottled lemon juice can be used if fresh is not an option for you, (Lime Juice works also).
I Have Used This
I have done this diet several times and know a few others personally that have also. There are literally thousands of others that have and with all the talk and response from these people I can say that this really does work. You should drink 6-8 glasses a day and if you are still feeling hungry drink more. Personally, I did not need to loose weight but wanted the cleansing aspect. I do know people that have lost a worthy amount of weight using this diet and gained the benefits of the cleansing as well!
I am not a doctor, licensed dietitian or counselor. I recommend you consult with your doctor prior to changing anything in your diet or health plan for yourself.

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(c) Weight-loss.mobie.in 2013-14