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Top 10 Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Top 10 Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat fast. It’s a fact that losing abdominal fat can’t be done in a matter of days. In most cases, it will take years while other lucky and determined ones managed to reach their goals even just after a few months. Feel free to leave a comment if you think I missed an effective tip that can help anyone lose belly fat that is better than any included in this list. Have a good read everyone and I hope this hub encourages you to aim for a healthier lifestyle!
Don't waste your time on sit-ups
Regardless how many sit-ups you make before going to bed; it won’t get you any closer to a toned stomach. This claim has been proven by numerous studies and confirmed by millions of exercise enthusiasts across the globe. Crunches are not only ineffective but risky as well since it’s a known cause of lower back pain. There are far better abs routines to choose from which include the Swiss-ball pike and Swiss-ball rollout. These abs exercises don’t simply decrease your waistline but strengthen and tone the muscles. Through regular execution, you’ll eventually notice excess fat accumulated in your stomach fading away like magic day after day. Simply increasing your cardio workout’s intensity and duration might do the trick but it’s important to consider weight training as well. Experts around the globe agree that resistance training offer better results when it comes to eliminating excess fat in challenging areas like the belly. It’s all about dedication and perseverance so pick the best abs exercise and make sure to allocate some for it in a daily basis.
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Short but intense cardio workouts
Fat breakdown works more like an automobiles engines. The faster you go in a short period of the time, the more gasoline it will consume. A 2009 study also revealed that a 30 minute cardio exercise which involved intense routines end up with better weight loss results in the tummy area than a 50 minute workout following a steady pace. This is true even if the same amount of calories were burned in the process. Killing yourself in a stationary bike just to achieve an intense workout is not advisable as well. You can still have a fun conversation with your gym buddies while working out without compromising the activity’s results. Enjoy every minute of it above all so you won’t have a hard time in strictly following your workout schedule. Majority of those who succeeded in trimming of their belly fat ended up with new friends as they consider their gym sessions not as an obligation but an opportunity to relieve stress and have a great time.
Sleep- The best weapon against Belly Fat
The direct relationship between sleep and weight gain has been proven by several studies. Individuals who only allocate up to 6 hours of their day for sleep end up gaining a few pounds more than those maintaining at least 8 hours of sleep in a regular basis. Snoozers are also less prone to obesity compared to those who usually wake up during the middle of the night. Leptin and Gherlin are two hunger hormones which tend to carry out abnormal productivity if you lack sleep. If you sleep less than the required time, you’ll sooner or later feel hungry and satisfying it with a small amount of food is near impossible.
Dairy foods in your meals
Majority of us consider dairy foods as culprits of a strict diet. However, we failed to consider that consuming yogurt, cheese and milk can set forth positive effects to anyone’s weight loss endeavors. It’s a good practice to eat at most 3 cups of yogurt a day. Maintain this approach for at least 12 weeks and you’ll surely end losing more weight particularly in the abdominal area. This technique is proven more effective than those who take calcium pills in the same period of time.
Choose the right kind of carbs
Losing belly fat in the least possible time is not about not eating foods high calorie content. In contrary, consuming the right kind of carbohydrates can help you solve this problem. Studies have been made to compare individuals who consume substantial amount whole grains such as brown rice, popcorn, dark brad, couscous, bulgur wheat, and cereal fiber to those who eat less of these types of carbohydrate source. The results affirmed that the mentioned carbohydrates sources can help you slash out inches of your waist line in a matter of months or even just a week!
Aboid late night snacks
Late night snacks should be avoided as much as possible if you are really serious about losing belly fat. It’s not always about what you eat during late night snacks but the fact that no physical activities are expected afterwards to help burn off calories. In most cases, people who eat late night sleep right after. This will result to high sugar levels in the blood stream which will eventually turn into stored fat faster than the usual.
Say No to junk foods
Storing junk food in your home will only make it hard for you to be successful in losing belly fat. Always remember that you are what you eat so resist from eating junk. Sweets, chips, and cookies maybe mouthwatering but they are teeming with sugar and saturated fat which are considered culprits of weight loss. In fact, addiction to junk food and sugar is regarded as the most common cause of belly fat today.
Say No to Alcoholic drinks
What you drink is more important than what you eat if you are highly concerned in losing belly fat. It’s alright to occasionally drink alcoholic beverages but doing it in a daily basis will definitely worsen your case. This also goes true with foods having high sugar content. It’s common for beer drinkers to have man boobs, belly fat, and a pear-shaped body particularly if they reach a certain age. Not only your figure, but your liver will also suffer from excessive alcohol consumption. The liver ends up working double time to clear away body toxins which will interfere in muscle buildup. It’s not all about not drinking at all but drinking with moderation. Don’t get drunk and only do it at most two days a week. If you can’t comply with this, forget about boasting a nicely toned abdomen to your friends. Discipline yourself and constantly think of the wonderful benefits of having a healthy and fit body so you can keep on going despite all the challenges and temptations.
Lose a substantial amount of body fat
Men find it hard to get rid of belly fat mainly because it won’t be possible before eliminating your double chin and man boobs first. To successfully eliminate belly fat, minimizing your overall body fat is imperative. Various guides that can help you achieve this goal are teeming on the internet today making it hard to determine which ones actually work. To save you from the confusion, here are concise but proven effective ways to decrease your overall body fat and eventually get rid of your ugly bear belly once and for all.
Be inspired
It’s not enough to simply look at the mirror to assess the situation. You might get the wrong impression that all the hard work and sacrifices you made for the past weeks are futile. Here are some effective ways to accurately keep track of your progress and be motivated as you slowly but surely achieve the toned abdomen you always dreamed of.

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